NoLa Rising held the fourth annual "It's Yours, Take It" art swap this past Saturday at the Hi-Ho (located in the St. Claude Arts District). The concept has long been a part of the NoLA Rising philosophy...to give art to the people. It's Yours, Take It is a way for artists to give artwork to a community, whether through organized functions such as this or through more guerrilla means. NoLa Rising has adapted it's annual IYTI by requesting that those who choose to participate bring a brand new toy in a box.
The Hi-Ho Lounge kindly threw open her doors, arranged musicians, set up local crafts-people to help and NoLA Rising brought the art from the IYTI family of artists (that can be found on Flickr - link below), from the NoLA Rising family of artists and from local artists who dropped by throughout the day to drop off both toys and art. To all of them, we are eternally grateful for the participation and the spirit of community that persists throughout. NoLA Rising would also like to thank all of the wonderful people who brought toys and participated, bringing in 185 toys!
That's right...185 toys for donation! If you weren't able to make it out, we hope that you find your own way of giving this holiday seas. Again, we thank everyone for their continued support of NoLA Rising and the New Orleans community. Together, we can make the cultural renaissance flourish!
Some scenes from the IYTI:

More pics can be found HERE

1 comment:
thanks to all of you for participating in this! It was a delight to meet and greet everyone, and wishing y'all a merry xmas, happy holiday season!
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