Hey there folks-
As you know, NoLA Rising likes making t-shirts to further our cause of raising funds. You might want to say that an organization like ours can't live on t-shirts alone. Well, no, it can't and it doesn't, BUT t-shirts are still fun and functional.
So, we were sitting around drinking our favorite refreshing beverages talking about what our next design should be and thought it'd be better to let the vast talent out there design our next t-shirt or two. We're thinking a one to two color design that prominently shows the words "NOLA RISING" and has our custom fleur de lis on it...
We're going to keep our regular logo design shirt, but figured as an arts organization, we needed something different. So, this is how we're going to run this get-up: (1) You design a t-shirt however the hell you want with the above parameters; (2) You send it to me at nolarising504 [AT] Gmail; (3) Me and mine take a look at it and say "hey, that's f'n cool"; (4) We pick your design and make t-shirts.
Now your asking yourself, "well, what the hell do I get out of this besides putting my talent into something for y'all to make money off of, jerkfaces?" Well, we're only going to do a limited run of 50-100 shirts per design, so it's not like we're getting rich (we do this for fun). But, we're also not cheap bastards either and would like to hook ya up. What we thought was that we could give you a hundred bucks and three t-shirts for your design. On top of that, you'll have our undying love and gratitude.
How does that sound? Hit us up with a design. We'll be picking more than one design and we'll let you know when we're going to run the shirt so we can get yours to you.
For Rex's FLEUR DE LIS design,
CLICK HEREP.S. They'll be made locally right here in the 504 from our friends at INKWELL PRESS!